8 graphic design trends for a website that rocks
Do you enough of the same flat and generic websites? Do you want to visually captivate users who land on your landing pages? In this article, we have gathered 8 graphic design trends that will surely help you make your site stunningly beautiful.
1 – Glitch effect

The distorted image, also known as the Glitch effect, is becoming one of the most popular trends in the world of digital graphic design. What has always been seen as an annoying and disruptive element for the viewer is transformed into a creative and sophisticated effect. Fans of fantasy and horror movies are already familiar with this effect, but this is the year when Glitch is really taking off in the world of visual effects.
2 – Double exposure

The double exposure is not a new thing, actually. It is a technique almost as old as the photography. Despite having been set aside for a long time, in recent years (and especially this year) we are seeing an increase in designs with double exposure images, aimed at surprising the viewer. The effect is achieved by overlapping two different shoots, creating a single, new, and impressive composition.
3 – Duotone

It is certainly one of the most “hipster” effects among those we have talked about, and someone could not like it. But like it or not, the Duotone is becoming popular especially in those sectors where images are essential to catch the attention and quickly convey the mood of the product, such as Netflix TV series or Spotify playlists. It is achieved by accentuating the contrast of an image, a photo, or a vector graphic using two colours, possibly very different from each other.
4 – Creative typography

Creative typography is already among the top trends in graphic design in 2018, and we believe that new ideas and inspirations related to it will remain relevant for a long time to come. In this particular branch of graphic design, creativity is the most powerful tool at your disposal. It’s not enough to create new fonts or tinker with sizes and angles, but it’s necessary to merge typography with other techniques, striving to always create something new.
5 – Inverted negative space

In a photography or any other composition, the “negative space” is the area around the main subject (that is called “positive space”) and it is used to highlight it driving attention to it. It can be a white space or a blurred background. One of the latest trends of graphic design uses this space by reversing its content with that of the main one. This creates a very interesting optical effect that, if used correctly, can definitely give an original touch to the design of your website.
6 – 3D monochrome

Color has a strong emotional component and using it is always a good idea. In 2018 the so-called “3D monochrome” continues to be popular, using images with of background of the same color of the main subject. The color match creates a really pleasant effect and the subject stands out thanks to the three-dimensional volume created using simple shadow play.
7 – Illustrations

Creations born directly from the hands of an artist continue to be at the forefront of graphic design. Each illustration is a small artwork that is the result of talent, imagination, and attention to details. When it comes to graphic design, whether it be for the web or print, illustrations help to give a dreamy atmosphere to our interface, making it special. In 2018, illustrations are often combined with other graphic techniques to achieve more and more impactful results.
8 – Animations
Whether it’s vector designs, logos or typography, one of the buzzwords of 2018 is: animation. Despite not being a completely new trend, the use of motion graphic is growing exponentially in the visual development of websites and interfaces. Movement captures user’s attention, involves them more, and encourages interaction with the content.